Wednesday, June 21, 2006

my umbrella's unique...

I am still enjoying my holidays here in Gangtok, my hometown. Since I had a work with one of my friends today, we decided to meet in a particular music store in town. She reached there early and was waiting for me when I got there…but there was this one more friend, wearing the same white shirt and a darker tinge of blue jeans as mine.
A coincidence…………..Thank God she went her own way after catching up with some gossip.
Now, I have this blue umbrella which I am very fond of…it has dolphins wearing goggles all over. As we got out of the music store, there was a faint drizzle. I opened my umbrella and started walking when just a few steps ahead of me, I saw a lady carrying the same umbrella. Had she been far ahead of me, I wouldn’t have crossed the road…so then, like I said, I crossed the road.
I was waiting for that same friend in a shop while she was doing her work, when I saw out in the street several people carrying the same umbrella as mine…And to think that I thought it was unique!!!... Those people out there must have been thinking the same thing…


Blogger JuSt AnoThEr FaCe In ThE CrOwD said...

Gangtok's sure a fashonable place with people with an eye for fasion... :-) ...

June 21, 2006  
Blogger ripz said...


June 21, 2006  

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